Using the same tool, try to make the next layer of the same element. Firstly apply the Ellipse Tool (U) to mark out the outside edges of the layer and then choose the Pen Tool (P) to cut out an inside opening. Its shape may be corrected with the Convert Point Tool. 再用椭圆工具重复上一步骤,画一个同样的圆边缘与之前的重合(译者:或直接复制一层去掉图层样式),然后用钢笔工具(P)在其内部切出我们需要的形状(译者:选择"从形状区域减去"或按住Alt键),然后利用转换点工具进行调整
Photoshop制作Google Chrome浏览器Logo图标
原文来自:AdobeTutorialz 翻译:S.ShekA detailed tutorial on how to create this awesome logo. 一篇详细的教程教你如何制作一个漂亮的logo.Begin working by creating a new file (File>New) of 854x854 px and
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