Create a new layer again situating it above the previous made one and do the same operations we did when painting the top layer (meaning the layer situated above the shadow layer, but lower than the logotype one). 再创建一个新图层,重复之前给扇叶上色时的步骤,为上一步骤复制的形状图层上色,具体参数如下图:
Make a copy of the mask layer where we used those three colors to paint the top layer of the logotype. Choose for this layer the Burn Tool (O) and the Dodge Tool (O) to draw several highlights and shadows on the logotype.将为表面扇叶上色时的颜色图层复制一份,使用加深和减淡工具画上一些高光和阴影(如图)
Photoshop制作Google Chrome浏览器Logo图标
原文来自:AdobeTutorialz 翻译:S.ShekA detailed tutorial on how to create this awesome logo. 一篇详细的教程教你如何制作一个漂亮的logo.Begin working by creating a new file (File>New) of 854x854 px and
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