![photoshop制作logo教程:钢盔 photoshop制作logo教程:钢盔](http://www.uibq.com/res/2020/09-14/03/sapq4ezxmcb.gif)
Step 11
Sothat you don´t have to do it all again for layer (4), show this layerwith decreased opacity to 50%. This way, you can still see the shadowfrom the previous layer — how easy. For now, the "peak" is done and youcan continue with the main part of the helmet.
![photoshop制作logo教程:钢盔 photoshop制作logo教程:钢盔](http://www.uibq.com/res/2020/09-14/03/knpq5hc0jmv.gif)
Step 12
So,unhide the shape of main part and recolor it to the yellow (#FDDB13).Again, create a new layer, group it with previous (Ctrl + Alt + G), andin the marked areas, use big soft brush with darker color. It´s notnecessary to make a very big shadow...
![photoshop制作logo教程:钢盔 photoshop制作logo教程:钢盔](http://www.uibq.com/res/2020/09-14/03/wmryxk3r553.gif)
, Step 13
Fora better result, you can use the middle streak. Unhide this layer,recolor it to the dark yellow (#AA6F00), and add a layer mask. Intothis mask, draw in the middle with a big soft black brush (as shownbelow), and the layer will be visible only on the sides, not in themiddle.
![photoshop制作logo教程:钢盔 photoshop制作logo教程:钢盔](http://www.uibq.com/res/2020/09-14/03/kxmlfe34lm3.gif)
Step 14
Next,unhide the last layer, the main part of the streak. Recolor it toyellow (#FBD500). In this step, you can also darken the main part ofthe helmet to match the peak.
![photoshop制作logo教程:钢盔 photoshop制作logo教程:钢盔](http://www.uibq.com/res/2020/09-14/03/zzx4vjcyadg.gif)
Step 15
Tomake the shape of the helmet more accentuated, use this simple method:draw a one-pixel outline around every shape where the light shines.
Startwith second peak layer. Load the selection (Ctrl-click on the layer),create new layer, and from the Edit menu select the Stroke function.Set the Width to 1px, color white.
![photoshop制作logo教程:钢盔 photoshop制作logo教程:钢盔](http://www.uibq.com/res/2020/09-14/03/rhchhficjcr.gif)