梁山宋押司哥哥 2021-07-04 01:13 波提切利http://www.86ar优艾设计网_设计LOGOt.net/art/hl/sjhl/yh/200709/20070918170141.html建议看一下欧洲古典艺术史。
50****732 2021-07-04 01:17 《帕里斯的裁判》(the Judgement of Paris),西方很多画家都画过,例如洛兰,鲁本斯等人。下面是画过这个故事的西方艺术家名字,作品收藏地。 Both, Jan Dirksz A Landscape with the Judgement of Paris National Gallery, London Poelenburgh, Cornelis van A Landscape with the Judgement of Paris National Gallery, London Moitte, Jean-Guillaume Design for a Bas-relief: The Judgement of Paris, 1785-89 Hermitage Museum Allori, Alessandro The Judgement of Paris Beloit Colle优艾设计网_电脑技术ge Department of Classics Balen, Hendrick van The Judgement of Paris, 1599 CGFA Balen, Hendrick van The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Balen, Hendrick van The Judgement of Paris, 1599 Web Gallery of Art Barry, James The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Benvenuto di Giovanni The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Claude Lorrain The Judgement of Paris, 1645-46 CGFA Claude Lorrain The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Cranach the Elder, Lucas The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Cranach the Elder, Lucas The Judgement of Paris, 1530 CGFA Cranach the Elder, Lucas The Judgement of Paris, 1528 CGFA Dalí, Salvador The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Domenico Veneziano The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Etty, William The Judgement of Paris, ca.1825-26 National Museums Liverpool Fantin-Latour, Henri Judgement of Paris National Gallery, London Italian Unknown Master The Judgement of Paris, 1430-40 Web Gallery of Art Manuel, Niklaus The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Manuel, Niklaus The Judgement of Paris, 1517-18 CGFA Renoir, Pierre-Auguste The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Rubens, Peter Paul The Judgement of Paris Prado Museum Rubens, Peter Paul The Judgement of Paris National Gallery, London Rubens, Peter Paul The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Rubens, Peter Paul Judgement of Paris The BBC Rubens, Peter Paul The Judgement of Paris, 1639 CGFA Rubens, Peter Paul The Judgement of Paris, 1635-38 CGFA Soldani, Massimiliano The Judgement of Paris, ca.1695-1700 Liechtenstein Museum Watteau, Jean-Antoine The Judgement of Paris Web Gallery of Art Watteau, Jean-Antoine The Judgement of Paris, 1720-21 CGFA Watts, George Frederic The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Watts, George Frederic The Judgement of Paris CGFA Werff, Adriaen van der The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Werff, Adriaen van der The Judgement of Paris Dulwich Picture Gallery Wtewael, Joachim Antonisz. The Judgement of Paris, 1615 CGFA Wtewael, Joachim Antonisz. The Judgement of Paris National Gallery, London Wtewael, Joachim Antonisz. The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Charlier, Jacques The Judgement of Paris (after Boucher) The Wallace Collection 参考来源:http://www.artcyclopedia.com/scripts/tsearch.pl?t=the+judgement+of+paris&type=2 (有具体的作品图片)
邓雄 优艾设计网_设计模板 2021-07-04 01:21 希腊神话:爱神诞生 、欧罗巴、俄尔普斯、美惠三女神、丽达与天鹅;水泽女神;潘(森林之神);爱神和战神;丘比特与普绪客;圣经故事:西斯廷圣母 岩间圣母 创世纪 施洗约翰 莎乐美公主 大卫王 最后的晚餐 宗教题材:失乐园
200****926 优艾设计网_设计百科 2021-07-04 01:26 2.《干草车》《尘世乐园》 3.错 4.博斯 帕蒂尼尔
jieyubaby 2021-07-04 01:29 油画是油质颜料的色彩造型具有丰富的表现力,最适宜在平面上创造"立体空间"。这种光和色的特殊技术,在表现质感晾量感空间感方面任何画种均不能与之匹敌。在群星璀璨的油画世界,无论任何题材的名画,都具有各自的魅力。人和人的素养、爱好不同,审美观兴趣点存在差异优艾设计网_平面设计再正常不过了。纵然同样是对山水自然情有独钟的人,有大同的前提下仍然有小不同。同理,油画的爱好者们也会根据各自的价值观美学观兴趣点各取所需一一各持己见,喋喋不休争议。哪些油画看上去很美?历来众说纷纭。浅层次的美和深层次的美,表象上的惊艳美和意蕴深远的美不在一个档次上!看上去在同一级别同一档次上的美,也因观赏者关注点兴趣点的不同,感觉各异。
梁山宋押司哥哥 2021-07-04 01:13 波提切利http://www.86ar优艾设计网_设计LOGOt.net/art/hl/sjhl/yh/200709/20070918170141.html建议看一下欧洲古典艺术史。
50****732 2021-07-04 01:17 《帕里斯的裁判》(the Judgement of Paris),西方很多画家都画过,例如洛兰,鲁本斯等人。下面是画过这个故事的西方艺术家名字,作品收藏地。 Both, Jan Dirksz A Landscape with the Judgement of Paris National Gallery, London Poelenburgh, Cornelis van A Landscape with the Judgement of Paris National Gallery, London Moitte, Jean-Guillaume Design for a Bas-relief: The Judgement of Paris, 1785-89 Hermitage Museum Allori, Alessandro The Judgement of Paris Beloit Colle优艾设计网_电脑技术ge Department of Classics Balen, Hendrick van The Judgement of Paris, 1599 CGFA Balen, Hendrick van The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Balen, Hendrick van The Judgement of Paris, 1599 Web Gallery of Art Barry, James The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Benvenuto di Giovanni The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Claude Lorrain The Judgement of Paris, 1645-46 CGFA Claude Lorrain The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Cranach the Elder, Lucas The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Cranach the Elder, Lucas The Judgement of Paris, 1530 CGFA Cranach the Elder, Lucas The Judgement of Paris, 1528 CGFA Dalí, Salvador The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Domenico Veneziano The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Etty, William The Judgement of Paris, ca.1825-26 National Museums Liverpool Fantin-Latour, Henri Judgement of Paris National Gallery, London Italian Unknown Master The Judgement of Paris, 1430-40 Web Gallery of Art Manuel, Niklaus The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Manuel, Niklaus The Judgement of Paris, 1517-18 CGFA Renoir, Pierre-Auguste The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Rubens, Peter Paul The Judgement of Paris Prado Museum Rubens, Peter Paul The Judgement of Paris National Gallery, London Rubens, Peter Paul The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Rubens, Peter Paul Judgement of Paris The BBC Rubens, Peter Paul The Judgement of Paris, 1639 CGFA Rubens, Peter Paul The Judgement of Paris, 1635-38 CGFA Soldani, Massimiliano The Judgement of Paris, ca.1695-1700 Liechtenstein Museum Watteau, Jean-Antoine The Judgement of Paris Web Gallery of Art Watteau, Jean-Antoine The Judgement of Paris, 1720-21 CGFA Watts, George Frederic The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Watts, George Frederic The Judgement of Paris CGFA Werff, Adriaen van der The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Werff, Adriaen van der The Judgement of Paris Dulwich Picture Gallery Wtewael, Joachim Antonisz. The Judgement of Paris, 1615 CGFA Wtewael, Joachim Antonisz. The Judgement of Paris National Gallery, London Wtewael, Joachim Antonisz. The Judgement of Paris Beloit College Department of Classics Charlier, Jacques The Judgement of Paris (after Boucher) The Wallace Collection 参考来源:http://www.artcyclopedia.com/scripts/tsearch.pl?t=the+judgement+of+paris&type=2 (有具体的作品图片)
邓雄 优艾设计网_设计模板 2021-07-04 01:21 希腊神话:爱神诞生 、欧罗巴、俄尔普斯、美惠三女神、丽达与天鹅;水泽女神;潘(森林之神);爱神和战神;丘比特与普绪客;圣经故事:西斯廷圣母 岩间圣母 创世纪 施洗约翰 莎乐美公主 大卫王 最后的晚餐 宗教题材:失乐园
200****926 优艾设计网_设计百科 2021-07-04 01:26 2.《干草车》《尘世乐园》 3.错 4.博斯 帕蒂尼尔
jieyubaby 2021-07-04 01:29 油画是油质颜料的色彩造型具有丰富的表现力,最适宜在平面上创造"立体空间"。这种光和色的特殊技术,在表现质感晾量感空间感方面任何画种均不能与之匹敌。在群星璀璨的油画世界,无论任何题材的名画,都具有各自的魅力。人和人的素养、爱好不同,审美观兴趣点存在差异优艾设计网_平面设计再正常不过了。纵然同样是对山水自然情有独钟的人,有大同的前提下仍然有小不同。同理,油画的爱好者们也会根据各自的价值观美学观兴趣点各取所需一一各持己见,喋喋不休争议。哪些油画看上去很美?历来众说纷纭。浅层次的美和深层次的美,表象上的惊艳美和意蕴深远的美不在一个档次上!看上去在同一级别同一档次上的美,也因观赏者关注点兴趣点的不同,感觉各异。