

优艾设计网 https://www.uibq.com 2023-01-22 16:37 出处:网络 作者:PS基础教程
西澳大学学术实力01西澳大学本科奖学金: UWA Scholarships for All Students(Commencing Enrolled) Commonwealth Scholarships UWA SWANS Scheme Scholarships UWA Scholarships for High School Leavers(Commencin

西澳大学本科奖学金: UWA Scholarships for All Students(Commencing Enrolled) Commonwealth Scholarships UWA SWANS Scheme Scholarships UWA Scholarships for High School Leavers(Commencing student) Diversity and Merit Awards Excellence Awards Group of Eight Scholarships Humanitarian Excellence Awards UWA Fogarty Foundation City Regional Scholarships Vice-Chancellor's Awards of Distinction Other General Scholarships Australian Defence Force Sponsored Undergraduate Scheme Australian Veterans' Children Assistance Trust Freemasons WA Education Grants Governor-General's Undergraduate Essay Competitio


西澳大学本科奖学金: UWA Scholarships for All Students(Commencing Enrolled) Commonwealth Scholarships UWA SWANS Scheme Scholarships UWA Scholarships for High School Lea优艾设计网_设计客vers(Commencing student) Diversity and Merit Awards Excellence Awards Group of Eight Scholarships Humanitarian Excellence Awards UWA Fogarty Foundation City Regional Scholarships Vice-Chancellor's Awards of Distinction Other General Scholarships Australian Defence Force Sponsored Undergraduate Scheme Australian Veterans' Children Assistance Trust Freemasons WA Education Grants Governor-General's Undergraduate Essay Competitio


中国奖学金申请条件: 1.中华人民共和国永久居民 2.申请时不在国外工作或学习 3.完成学业后同意回国工作 4.雅思6.5,其中听、说不低于6,阅读与写作不低于6.5 5.或托福580以上,口语考试45分,托福作文4.5 6.托福网考95,阅读与听力22,口语24,写作23;申请法律专业的奖学金需要达到雅思7.5,听说不低于7.0,读写不低于7.5 申请截止日期:9月。



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