清欢__963 2021-11-19 18:08优艾设计网_PS问答 你可以试试金山词霸,它翻译又快又准,一搜词,例句音标形态全部都出来了,很方便。
Nick Leong 2021-11-19 18:09 优艾设计网_Photoshop论坛 愚蠢的我修改如下Now, China has entered a new normal situation of economic development. Building pilot trade zones is necessary for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up and gain new experience.
therockmoon 2021-11-19 18:10 优艾设计网_Photoshop问答 这段最艰巨,求大神。。。建设自由贸易试验区,就是要发挥其改革开放“试验田”作用,通过改革创新,重点是转变政府职能,加快通关制度、产业准入制度、公司登记制度、外汇管理制度等改革, 促进区域投资贸易便利化,建设国际化、市场化、法制化的营商环境,并及时总结成功经验,逐步向区外复制推广。开发区在承接和复制自由贸易区经验上具有良好的基础条件,有着天然的优势。
Nick Leong 2021-11-19 18:12 this is a significant measure for deepening comprohensive reform, inlarging the n优艾设计网_设计ew way for explotation, and accumulating new experience under the situation that chinese economic developement enters the new normal.凑后看看吧!不足只处请多指教。
乖X 2021-11-19 18:17 这是我翻译的版本~Now, China has entered a new economic development normal situation. Building 优艾设计网_设计圈pilot trade zones is necessary for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up and gain new experience.
冼建文 2021-11-19 18:19 优艾设计网_平面设计 这好像是我们一节基础笔译的作业啊...你该不会是晓华的学生吧
清欢__963 2021-11-19 18:08优艾设计网_PS问答 你可以试试金山词霸,它翻译又快又准,一搜词,例句音标形态全部都出来了,很方便。
Nick Leong 2021-11-19 18:09 优艾设计网_Photoshop论坛 愚蠢的我修改如下Now, China has entered a new normal situation of economic development. Building pilot trade zones is necessary for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up and gain new experience.
therockmoon 2021-11-19 18:10 优艾设计网_Photoshop问答 这段最艰巨,求大神。。。建设自由贸易试验区,就是要发挥其改革开放“试验田”作用,通过改革创新,重点是转变政府职能,加快通关制度、产业准入制度、公司登记制度、外汇管理制度等改革, 促进区域投资贸易便利化,建设国际化、市场化、法制化的营商环境,并及时总结成功经验,逐步向区外复制推广。开发区在承接和复制自由贸易区经验上具有良好的基础条件,有着天然的优势。
Nick Leong 2021-11-19 18:12 this is a significant measure for deepening comprohensive reform, inlarging the n优艾设计网_设计ew way for explotation, and accumulating new experience under the situation that chinese economic developement enters the new normal.凑后看看吧!不足只处请多指教。
乖X 2021-11-19 18:17 这是我翻译的版本~Now, China has entered a new economic development normal situation. Building 优艾设计网_设计圈pilot trade zones is necessary for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up and gain new experience.
冼建文 2021-11-19 18:19 优艾设计网_平面设计 这好像是我们一节基础笔译的作业啊...你该不会是晓华的学生吧