
《Worst Intentions》(最坏目的)?

优艾设计网 https://www.uibq.com 2023-03-07 10:00 出处:网络 作者:PS自学
Worst Intentions演唱者:Life Awaits作词:Life Awaits作曲:Life Awaits编曲:Life AwaitsOver and over again翻来覆去 辗转反侧We are afflicted by a bitter plague within我们被内心的痛苦折磨着Fight against
Worst Intentions
演唱者:Life Awaits作词:Life Awaits作曲:Life Awaits编曲:Life Awaits
Over and over again翻来覆去 辗转反侧We are afflicted by a bitter plague within我们被内心的痛苦折磨着Fight against the difference与差异抗衡So we can live by another season所以我们可以按照另一个季节生活Define love, Define Peace定义爱与和平Define every useless thing we need定义任何我们不需要事物Deny truth and our disease, then make believe否认真相与我们的疾病然后佯装着If we could turn things around and just wait to be found,倘若我们能够扭转局面等待被找到Would you come back here and rescue me你是否会回来解救我?If we could go back in time with nobody else倘若我们能够及时返回 别无他人Would there be honesty left in me是否还有诚实 残余我身Pieces by pieces, day by day日趋月渐We drove ourselves into separate ways我们驱使自己 分道扬镳 渐行渐远Theres no room in our hearts for a savior我们的心已满 再无法容纳救世主Where there is light theres a shadow reflecting me.心中有光 阴影反射于我Over and over again翻来覆去 辗转反侧The ground 优艾设计网_设计LOGOI stand is the grave I strand脚底的地面 是令我滞留的坟墓Does it make me less of man这是否令我变得更加懦弱Giving up the dreams I never met放弃从未见过的梦想Define love, Define Peace,定义爱与和平Define every useless thing we need定义任何我们不需要事物Deny truth and our disease否认真相与我们的疾病The curtain calls for a dying breed幕帘召唤着一个濒临灭绝的品种Im so sick of live and breathing for my worst intentions我厌倦了存活为我最坏的意图而呼吸And everything I hated the most与所有我最厌恶的事物Im so done with pleading and preaching to drown this obsession我受够了借口恳求 鼓吹说教一刀两断 曽使我沉溺的痴迷And wander like a fucking ghost漫步徘徊 宛若鬼魂Pieces by pieces, day by day.日趋月渐We drove ourselves into separate ways我们驱使自己 分道扬镳 渐行渐远Theres no room in our hearts for a savior我们的心已满 再无法容纳救世主Where there is light theres a shadow reflecting me.心中有光 阴影反射于我These demons rob me of my serenity这些恶魔掠夺我的宁静I cant see and I cant reach to anyone我被蒙蔽了双眼 我无法触及任何人They lay so heavy on my chest他们躺卧在我胸口 如此沉重They lay so heavy on my chest他们躺卧在我胸口 如此沉重Im just feeling sick我只是感觉病了Im just feeling sick我只是感觉病了I am feeling sick我感觉自己病了I am feeling sick我感觉自己病了Pieces by pieces, day by day日趋月渐We drove ourselves into separate ways我们驱使自己 分道扬镳 渐行渐远Theres no room in our hearts for a savior我们的心已满 再无法容纳救世主Where there


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