

优艾设计网 https://www.uibq.com 2023-03-09 08:28 出处:网络 作者:PS教程
《鱼和熊掌》词:更生仔曲:杨越编曲:杨越30 candles in the cake 30岁的蜡烛吹灭了It’s time to be awake我也应该清醒了I got free when I was young 年轻的时候我自由自在Now the feeling is gone 现在这感觉已经

30 candles in the cake 30岁的蜡烛吹灭了It’s time to be awake我也应该清醒了I got free when I was young 年轻的时候我自由自在Now the feeling is gone 现在这感觉已经不存在
You stay at your age 你还是老样子you can see now I'm found但我找到了正确的路everyone had to play a part每个人都要扮演好自己的角色How far can you grow up?你什么时候能长大Do the things right做正确的事Will you take me home tonight今晚能送我回家吗I’m waiting on my dad我在等我爸
the old days I felt shame 我为过去感到惭愧I mean we all grew up slowly 我知道人都是慢慢长大Anyone who ever make a choice每个人都要做选择But in the end our choices make us 最后是选择证明了我们是什么样的人
You stay at your age 你还是老样子优艾设计网_设计you can see now I'm found我找到了正确的路everyone had to play a part每个人都要扮演好自己的角色How far can you grow up?你什么时候长大
Do the things right做正确的事Will you take me home tonight今晚能送我回家吗I’m waiting on my dad我在等我爸


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